General Assembly


Proposed Bill No. 5148


January Session, 2011


LCO No. 217


Referred to Committee on Appropriations


Introduced by:


REP. LAVIELLE, 143rd Dist.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

That section 2-33a of the general statutes be amended by three-fifths of the members of each house of the General Assembly to redefine "increase in inflation" to mean the increase in the consumer price index for urban consumers for the preceding twenty-four-month period ending December thirty-first of the calendar year preceding the fiscal year to which the budget relates, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, and to redefine "general budget expenditures" to mean expenditures from all appropriated funds authorized by public or special act of the General Assembly, provided general budget expenditures shall not include expenditures for payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness or expenditures pursuant to section 4-30a of the general statutes.

Statement of Purpose:

To implement the constitutional limitation on expenditures by the General Assembly.