10 LC 94 1855
House Resolution 1239
By: Representatives Amerson of the 9th, Keown of the 173rd, Byrd of the 20th, Levitas of the 82nd, Reese of the 98th, and others


Commending Georgia's high-tech businesses for their efforts in making Georgia a leader in high-tech employment growth and recognizing February 10, 2010, as Technology Leadership Coalition's High-Tech Day at the state capitol; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Georgia's high-tech businesses have long been recognized for their diligence in making this state a national leader of high-tech employment development and innovation; and

WHEREAS, the entire State of Georgia benefits from employment growth and wages resulting from a thriving technology industry; and

WHEREAS, significant technology infrastructure investments have the potential to boost growth and job creation throughout the Southeast; and

WHEREAS, Georgia's high-tech industry added 13,000 net jobs to this state's economy in 2007, which was in addition to the nearly 200,000 Georgians already employed in high-tech jobs; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of Technology Leadership Coalition's High-Tech Day at the state capitol is to showcase the important role high-tech companies play in Georgia's economy and its future.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend the high-tech businesses of Georgia for their outstanding contributions to the economic health of this state and recognize February 10, 2010, as Technology Leadership Coalition's High-Tech Day at the state capitol.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to members of the public and the press.