H.R. NO.

















                WHEREAS, the future of our State and country depends upon the students of today, for they are the future leaders of the community and should be supported in their everyday endeavors; and


     WHEREAS, the Hawaii: Next 50 Contest is inspired by former Governor George Ariyoshi's book, "Hawaii: The Past Fifty Years, The Next Fifty Years," which delves into our islands' history as a State and prompts the next generation to think about what can be done to keep Hawaii moving forward in the next century; and


     WHEREAS, the Hawaii State Plan, developed by Governor Ariyoshi, contained numerous long-range policies regarding Hawaii's future development, with the contributions and ideas from concerned citizens being essential in the planning process; and


     WHEREAS, this contest is intended to encourage our youth to take ownership of their future, to take an active role in shaping their communities, and to voice their opinion on the direction that the State of Hawaii must take to make it the best place it can be, showing others that their opinions matter and their voices are being heard; and


     WHEREAS, the Hawaii: Next 50 Contest, sponsored by the Hawaii State House of Representatives, aio Foundation, Hawaii Pacific Health, Hawaii Medical Service Association, and Hawaii Pacific Health Institute, asks the students of Hawaii: "What can we do to promote the healthy Hawaii we want to see in the next 50 years?"; and


     WHEREAS, over 300 students from grades four to twelve sent submissions to the Hawaii: Next 50 Contest, touching on topics such as air pollution, invasive species, homelessness, creating affordable housing options, establishing programs to improve people's attitudes, and initiatives to prevent obesity; and


     WHEREAS, the submissions of the Hawaii: Next 50 Contest winners: Kaia Fujinaka of Waiakea Elementary School, Brian Li of Punahou School, Cameryn Rae Kahalewai of Molokai High School, Aaron Omuro of Kahului Elementary School, Alena Bolosan of Ewa Makai Middle School, and Mary Brittany Bello of Waipahu High School, best embody the spirit of the Hawaii: Next 50 contest in proposing solutions to the problems that Hawaii faces today and imagining a path for Hawaii's future in the next 50 years; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of the Representatives of the Twenty-ninth Legislature of the State Hawaii, Regular Session of 2018, that this body hereby congratulates the winners of the Hawaii: Next 50 Contest, and expresses to them its deep appreciation for coming up with creative solutions to keep Hawaii moving forward and make it the best place to live and work for the next 50 years and beyond. 









Report Title: 

Congratulating the winners of the Hawaii: Next 50 Contest