House File 2222 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 2222 BY GAINES and ABDUL-SAMAD A BILL FOR An Act establishing a point of contact within the office on the 1 status of African Americans concerning the African community 2 in this state. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 5969HH (2) 85 ec/rj
H.F. 2222 Section 1. Section 216A.146, Code 2014, is amended by adding 1 the following new subsection: 2 NEW SUBSECTION . 5. Establish a point of contact within the 3 office to deal with issues and disputes concerning the African 4 community in this state. 5 EXPLANATION 6 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 7 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 8 This bill requires the office on the status of African 9 Americans to establish a point of contact within the office to 10 deal with issues concerning the African community in Iowa. 11 -1- LSB 5969HH (2) 85 ec/rj 1/ 1