Senate Resolution 114 - Introduced


                    SENATE RESOLUTION NO.    
                            BY  SINCLAIR
  1  1 A Resolution designating March 2018 as Iowa Women's
  1  2    History Month.
  1  3    WHEREAS, Iowa women of every race, class, and
  1  4 ethnic background have made historic contributions
  1  5 to the growth and strength of our State and nation
  1  6 in countless recorded and unrecorded ways, including
  1  7 through the struggle for women's rights; and
  1  8    WHEREAS, Iowa women have played and continue to
  1  9 play critical economic, cultural, and social roles by
  1 10 constituting a significant portion of the labor force
  1 11 working inside and outside of the home; and
  1 12    WHEREAS, Iowa women were particularly important in
  1 13 the establishment of early charitable, philanthropic,
  1 14 and cultural institutions in our State and nation; and
  1 15    WHEREAS, Iowa women and men amended the Iowa
  1 16 Constitution to read that "All men and women are, by
  1 17 nature, free and equal, and have certain inalienable
  1 18 rights"; and
  1 19    WHEREAS, Iowa women have been leaders in business,
  1 20 industry, and academia as well as the abolitionist
  1 21 movement, the emancipation movement, the industrial
  1 22 labor movement, the civil rights movement, the peace
  1 23 movement, and the women's suffrage movement, which
  1 24 have created a more fair and just society for all
  1 25 people; NOW THEREFORE,
  1 26    BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, That the Senate
  1 27 designates March 2018 as Iowa Women's History Month and
  1 28 invites the citizens of Iowa to continue to uncover,
  2  1 recognize, and honor the roles women have played
  2  2 throughout history.
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