Introduced Version



Introduced by: Brown T, Thompson, Koch


        A RESOLUTION honoring Mac Petty.

    Whereas, Wabash College head basketball coach Mac Petty is retiring after 35 years of dedicated service to the Little Giants;

    Whereas, Coach Petty, who has roamed the sidelines since before his current players were born, is described as a father figure by his players;

    Whereas, Current and former players credit Coach Petty for the success of their basketball program;

    Whereas, Wabash College and Coach Petty won the Division III national title in 1982 but he never left


    Whereas, Now that Coach Petty is retiring, it's fitting that the basketball floor where he spent so many years will bear his name;

    Whereas, Coach Petty has helped hundreds of young men in his athletic program over the years and has been an inspiration to hundreds of others who observed his demeanor and work ethic and received his friendship and guidance; and

    Whereas, It is fitting that we recognize those Hoosiers who have made a positive contribution to the people of Indiana; Coach Mac Petty is one of those outstanding Hoosiers deserving of special recognition: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the

General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    SECTION 1. That the Indiana House of Representatives acknowledges the many accomplishments of Coach Mac Petty, thanks him for his hours of dedicated services to the students at Wabash College, both on and off the basketball court, and wishes him happiness and continued success in his retirement.
    SECTION 2. That the Principal Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a copy of this resolution to Mac Petty and his family.


HR 1522/DI 84



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