Introduced Version



Introduced by: Burton


        A RESOLUTION recognizing the Greenwood Christian Church on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of its establishment.

    Whereas, In 1837, a society was formed that would become the Greenwood Christian Church;

    Whereas, The first services were held in the home of George Shortridge; however, because most of the members were transient, the group disbanded until 1860;

    Whereas, In 1860, some members of the Rocklane Church organized what is known today as the Greenwood Christian Church;

    Whereas, The original 41 founding members purchased a former village schoolhouse for $200 and enlisted Elder Elijah Goodwin to be their minister;

    Whereas, In 1868, a white frame building was built at Smart and Pearl streets, and later a brick building was constructed at Broadway and Smart streets;

    Whereas, Over the years, as the membership of the Greenwood Christian Church continued to grow, the church was enlarged to accommodate the growing membership;

    Whereas, In 1976, Shan Rutherford was elected as Senior Minister and is still attending to the needs of the faithful members of the Greenwood Christian Church; and

    Whereas, For the past 150 years, the members of the Greenwood Christian Church have been committed to Jesus as the Lord and Savior: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the

General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    SECTION 1. That the Indiana House of Representatives congratulates the Greenwood Christian Church on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of its establishment.
    SECTION 2. That the Principal Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a copy of this resolution to Senior Pastor Shan Rutherford.


HR 1523/DI 84



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