Second Regular Session 117th General Assembly (2012)

PRINTING CODE. Amendments: Whenever an existing statute (or a section of the Indiana Constitution) is being amended, the text of the existing provision will appear in this style type, additions will appear in this style type, and deletions will appear in this style type.
Additions: Whenever a new statutory provision is being enacted (or a new constitutional provision adopted), the text of the new provision will appear in this style type. Also, the word NEW will appear in that style type in the introductory clause of each SECTION that adds a new provision to the Indiana Code or the Indiana Constitution.
Conflict reconciliation: Text in a statute in this style type or this style type reconciles conflicts between statutes enacted by the 2011 Regular Session of the General Assembly.


     AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning education.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

SOURCE: IC 20-19-4-3; (12)SE0268.1.1. -->
    SECTION 1. IC 20-19-4-3, AS ADDED BY P.L.1-2005, SECTION 3, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2012]: Sec. 3. (a) The roundtable consists of the following members:
        (1) A number of members appointed jointly by the governor and the state superintendent. These members must be representatives of:
            (A) business and community leaders;
            (B) elementary and secondary education, including programs for exceptional learners (as defined in IC 20-31-2-6); and
            (C) higher education.
        The number of members appointed under clause (A) must be equal to the number of members appointed under clauses (B) and (C).
        (2) Two (2) members appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate from different political parties.
        (3) Two (2) members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives from different political parties.
     (b) The roundtable shall create an advisory committee on early childhood education. The members of the advisory committee must be early childhood education leaders from around the state. The advisory committee shall provide professional and technical assistance concerning topics related to early childhood education

to the roundtable.

SOURCE: IC 20-19-4-4; (12)SE0268.1.2. -->     SECTION 2. IC 20-19-4-4, AS ADDED BY P.L.1-2005, SECTION 3, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2012]: Sec. 4. (a) A member of the roundtable or the advisory committee on early childhood education is not entitled to a salary per diem.
    (b) A member of the roundtable or the advisory committee on early childhood education is entitled to reimbursement for traveling expenses and other expenses actually incurred in connection with the member's duties, as provided in the state travel policies and procedures established by the Indiana department of administration and approved by the budget agency.

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