Rep. Tinsley-Talabi offered the following concurrent resolution:

            House Concurrent Resolution No. 26.

            A concurrent resolution to call on the governor to recognize that recent rainfall and flooding in Detroit and eastern Wayne County have resulted in a major loss of property and created potentially hazardous conditions requiring state emergency assistance.

            Whereas, Heavy rains experienced in the Detroit area in early July caused flooding in an estimated 2,500 basements in homes, streets, and yards located on Detroit's east side. Residents experienced up to 2.5 feet of water and sewage in their basements. Once water retreated, many were left with unsanitary mud and sludge on basement floors and in yards; and

            Whereas, Residents have to deal with bacteria left by flood waters and mold that will grow if homes and possessions are not completely dried out. Bacteria can cause dangerous gastrointestinal and skin infections. Mold can cause breathing problems, sore throats, aches, and pains; and

Whereas, In addition, the loss of property has been extensive. Many residents have had to replace furniture, water heaters, furnaces, washers, and dryers; and

            Whereas, Residents need assistance in ensuring that their homes can be safely occupied. The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department is reviewing the flooding situation in hopes of improving services to residents. However, the department is not participating in cleanup of the flooded areas; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That we call on the governor to recognize that recent rainfall and flooding in Detroit and eastern Wayne County have resulted in a major loss of property and created potentially hazardous conditions requiring state emergency assistance in partnership with affected local governmental units; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Office of the Governor.