Reps. Lindberg, Nerat, McDowell, Polidori, Lahti, Ball, Booher, Terry Brown, Constan, Cushingberry, Dean, Durhal, Gonzales, Hansen, Huckleberry, Robert Jones, LeBlanc, Leland, Lemmons, Liss, Marleau, Mayes, Neumann, Rocca, Rogers, Wayne Schmidt, Sheltrown, Simpson, Smith and Switalski offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 17.

            A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to appropriate funds to restore the breakwall at the Grand Marais Harbor.

            Whereas, For hundreds of years, Grand Marais Harbor has provided refuge to ships and boats from sudden and violent storms along Lake Superior's southern coast. Adjacent to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, it is the only Harbor of Refuge available to vessels along a notoriously dangerous 90 mile stretch of coastline that has claimed numerous ships in the past; and

            Whereas, Historically, the harbor was protected by a breakwall. First constructed in 1894 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the breakwall blocked sand from filling in the harbor and protected it from damaging waves. Abandoned by the Army Corps in 1943, the breakwall suffered severe damage and was lost along with the protection it provided the harbor and boaters; and

            Whereas, It is imperative to build a new breakwall for Grand Marais Harbor to preserve the harbor for boaters, wildlife, and the community. Damaging waves now enter the harbor, and sand is filling it in, making it less and less accessible to boaters and increasing the risk of tragedy on this beautiful but dangerous stretch of coastline. In addition, habitat that supports sportfish and federally endangered species like the piping plover is being lost at a rapid pace; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we memorialize the Congress of the United States to appropriate funds to restore the breakwall at the Grand Marais Harbor; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.