The Speaker, on behalf of the entire membership of the House of Representatives, offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 350.   

            A resolution of tribute for the Honorable Martin "Marty" Knollenberg.

            Whereas, The members of this legislative body are honored to commend and thank Representative Marty Knollenberg as he completes his service to the people of Troy and Clawson residing in the Forty-first District. For six years, Representative Knollenberg has worked to improve government in Michigan, to create jobs for Michigan's citizens, and to improve Michigan's business environment; and

            Whereas, A graduate of Albion College, Marty Knollenberg spent more than twenty years operating his own small business and as a grass-roots political activist prior to his election to the House of Representatives in 2006. He served both as an Oakland County Parks and Recreation commissioner and an Oakland County commissioner. Within his community, he has been an active member of the Kiwanis Club, Troy Community Coalition, Boys and Girls Club, and the Deaf Community Advocacy Network; and

            Whereas, For the last six years, Representative Knollenberg has advocated tirelessly for policies to make Michigan better. Among other accomplishments, as the chair of the Banking and Financial Services Committee, he shepherded bipartisan legislation to protect Michigan's homeowners from mortgage fraud. He also championed legislation to prevent the abuse of campaign funds by elected officials and to restore fairness and ensure good-faith in school contract negotiations by preventing automatic pay increases for teachers working under expired contracts. Representative Knollenberg's efforts will be missed as he moves on to his next challenge; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we extend our appreciation and thanks to the Honorable Marty Knollenberg as he concludes his service to this legislative body; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to Representative Knollenberg as evidence of our gratitude and best wishes for his future endeavors.