Senate Resolution No. 617

BY: Senator COONEY

        CONGRATULATING  Barbara  Wale upon the occasion of
        her  retirement  after  42  years  of  distinguished
        service to The Arc of Monroe

  WHEREAS,  Individuals  and  organizations  devoted  to improving the
quality of life for others, enabling them to build lives of dignity  and
self-worth are deserving of the highest praise and recognition; and

  WHEREAS, From time to time, society calls upon these individuals and
organizations   to   be   recognized   for  the  significance  of  their
contributions and efforts to assist  others  in  developing  the  skills
necessary to be successful, productive citizens; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
congratulate  Barbara  Wale upon the occasion of her retirement after 42
years of distinguished service to The Arc of Monroe; and

  WHEREAS, Barbara Wale began her long and distinguished  career  with
The  Arc  of Monroe as a speech pathologist and quickly rose through the
ranks  holding  leadership  positions  such  as  Director  of   Clinical
Services,  Director  of Crittenden Day Treatment Program, Vice President
of  Program  Operations,  Vice  President  of  Quality  Management   and
President/CEO, the position from which she will officially retire; and

  WHEREAS,  Throughout  her  tenure,  Barbara  Wale  has truly enjoyed
getting to know and interacting personally with thousands of people  who
receive  services  at  The Arc of Monroe and demonstrated her leadership
excellence by supporting the development of new  services  and  programs
that  reflect  the needs, wants and desires of people with developmental
disabilities; and

  WHEREAS, Under the luminous leadership of Barbara Wale, The  Arc  of
Monroe  now  offers services which include community partners, community
inclusion and person-centered planning; and

  WHEREAS, For her exceptional leadership ability  and  commitment  to
the mission of the organization, while positively affecting the lives of
people  with  intellectual  and developmental disabilities, Barbara Wale
was  the  recipient  of  the  prestigious  Marc  N.  Brandt  Exceptional
Leadership Award by the statewide chapter, The Arc of New York; and

  WHEREAS,  For  over  four  decades,  Barbara Wale rendered faithful,
conscientious and valuable service to The Arc  of  Monroe,  earning  the
admiration, esteem and affection of her colleagues; and

  WHEREAS,  In  completing  her service as President/CEO, Barbara Wale
leaves behind more than mere bricks and  mortar;  she  leaves  behind  a
legacy  to  those  individuals supported by The Arc of Monroe as well as
their families and the community-at-large; and

  WHEREAS, Rare indeed is  the  occurrence  of  such  a  compassionate
blending  of  strength,  leadership,  intellect,  and commitment as that

demonstrated by Barbara Wale over a lifetime of sacrifice and dedication
to others; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Barbara Wale upon the occasion of her retirement  after  42
years of distinguished service to The Arc of Monroe; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Barbara Wale.