Senate Resolution No. 1696


        HONORING Lisa and Wayne Cohen upon the occasion of
        their  designation  as  recipients  of the Homefront
        Award  by  the  Tribute  and  Honor  Foundation   on
        February 3, 2024

  WHEREAS,  Members  of  the United States Armed Forces, who served so
faithfully and courageously in wars in which our Nation's freedom was at
stake, as well as in the preservation of peace during peacetime, deserve
the highest commendation of this Legislative Body; and

  WHEREAS, The dedication and sacrifices  of  advocates  for  military
personnel  and  veterans  ensure  our  continued  role as a Nation which
embodies the ideals of democracy,  and  contribute  to  the  defense  of
liberty for peoples throughout the world; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is justly proud to honor Lisa and
Wayne Cohen upon the occasion of their designation as recipients of  the
Homefront Award by the Tribute and Honor Foundation, to be celebrated at
its  3rd  Annual Phoenix Rising Awards ceremony on Saturday, February 3,
2024, at Crescent Beach Club in Bayville, New York; and

  WHEREAS, The Tribute and  Honor  Foundation  exists  to  honor,  pay
tribute,  and  celebrate  our  veterans and the veteran community, while
also seeking out opportunities to support our heroes and their families;

  WHEREAS, The Homefront Award is presented to non-veterans for  their
outstanding service to the veteran community; and

  WHEREAS,  Lisa  and  Wayne  Cohen  are  tireless  members of Rolling
Thunder New York Chapter 6, an advocacy group whose purpose is to  bring
full  accountability  for the "Prisoners Of War" and "Missing In Action"
of all United States wars; and

  WHEREAS, With the roar of their motorcycles, Lisa  and  Wayne  Cohen
participate in rides and demonstrations throughout the region to promote
public awareness about this serious issue; and

  WHEREAS, Residents of this great State must never forget the courage
with  which these men and women served their country, and must recognize
that no greater debt is owed than that owed  to  those  who  gave  their
lives  for  their beloved Nation and to those who continue to be missing
in action; and

  WHEREAS, Having  exhibited  their  patriotism  at  home  with  their
devoted advocacy, Lisa and Wayne Cohen demonstrated their love for their
country  and  merits  forevermore  the highest respect of this State and
Nation; and

  WHEREAS, Those who support  our  Nation's  veterans  deserve  to  be
recognized, commended and thanked by the people of the State of New York
for  their  service and for their dedication to their communities, their
State and their Nation; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Lisa and Wayne Cohen upon the occasion  of  their  designation  as
recipients of the Homefront Award by the Tribute and Honor Foundation on
February 3, 2024; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Lisa and Wayne Cohen.