Senate Resolution No. 2687


        MOURNING   the   death   of  William  H.  Kuebler,
        distinguished photojournalist and devoted member  of
        his community

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens  of  the  State  of  New York whose lifework and civic endeavor
served to enhance the quality of life  in  their  communities  and  this
great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, William H. Kuebler of Chappaqua, New York, died on Tuesday,
September 7, 2021, at the age of 67; and

  WHEREAS,  Affectionately  known  as  Bill,  William  H.  Kuebler was
married to his beloved wife, Lori Ensinger, for 26  years;  she  is  the
President  of  Westchester  Land  Trust,  a  non-profit organization her
husband also took pride in, serving as the Land Steward from  2007-2013;

  WHEREAS,  Born  in  Queens, New York, and later moving to Chappaqua,
William H. Kuebler attended Horace Greeley  High  School  and  graduated
from  Pace University; following his graduation, he soon became a career
photojournalist; and

  WHEREAS, William H. Kuebler was a talented  photojournalist  with  a
specialized  interest  in landscape photography, highlighting the simple
beauty and restorative power of lands in their natural state; and

  WHEREAS, With a deep-rooted passion for environmental  conservation,
William  H.  Kuebler  volunteered much of his free time to work with the
Teatown Lake Reservation  and  Guiding  Eyes  for  the  Blind;  he  also
co-founded  the  "Take  It  or  Leave  It  Shop"  in Chappaqua, where he
volunteered every Saturday for nearly 20 years to  ensure  thousands  of
reusable items did not end up in the waste stream; and

  WHEREAS,  In addition to photography and easement monitoring, he was
a talented craftsman who installed and  maintained  educational  signage
along  trails,  built  and  repaired  birdhouses,  and  helped construct
boardwalks to allow hikers to cross over wet sections of trails; and

  WHEREAS, William H. Kuebler distinguished himself in his  profession
and  by  his  sincere  dedication  and  substantial  contribution to the
welfare of his community; and

  WHEREAS, William H. Kuebler's  commitment  to  excellence,  and  his
spirit  of  humanity,  carried  over  into  all  fields  of  enterprise,
including charitable and civic endeavors; and

  WHEREAS, William H. Kuebler is survived by  his  loving  wife,  Lori
Ensinger;  a  brother,  Kenneth; two uncles, Christopher and Kevin; four
grand nephews and nieces, and several cousins; and

  WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a  sense  of
compassion,  William  H.  Kuebler leaves behind a legacy which will long

endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all
he served and befriended; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
mourn the death of William H. Kuebler, distinguished photojournalist and
devoted member of his community; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of William H. Kuebler.