Assembly Resolution No. 132

BY: M. of A. Giglio JM

        MOURNING  the death of Dr. Dennis R. DePerro, 21st
        President of  St.  Bonaventure  University,  beloved
        family man and distinguished educator

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens  of  the  State  of  New York whose lifework and civic endeavor
served to enhance the quality of life in their communities and the great
State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, There are certain outstanding members of the community who,
through their commitment and dedication,  have  served  to  improve  the
quality  of  higher education, and have had a measurable positive impact
on the lives of countless students, faculty and staff,  and  alumni,  as
well   as  the  community-at-large;  Dennis  R.  DePerro  was  one  such
individual; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  with  great  sorrow  and  deep  regret  that  this
Legislative  Body  records  the passing of Dennis R. DePerro, noting the
significance of his purposeful life and accomplishments; and

  WHEREAS, Dennis R. DePerro of Syracuse, New York,  died  on  Monday,
March  1,  2021,  at  the age of 62, due to complications related to the
novel coronavirus; and

  WHEREAS, Born on February 18, 1959, Dennis R. DePerro was the son of
Jennie and Peter DePerro; he graduated from Bishop Timon High School  in
Buffalo,  New  York,  and  went  on  to earn his bachelor's and master's
degrees at Canisius College before receiving a doctoral degree from  the
University of Pennsylvania; and

  WHEREAS,  Prior to his appointment at St. Bonaventure, Dr. Dennis R.
DePerro served as vice president for enrollment management at  Le  Moyne
College  in  Syracuse for 18 years before becoming the inaugural dean of
the School of Graduate and Professional Studies in 2013; he also  served
as  a professor of management in the Madden School of Business; finally,
he was selected as the 21st President of St. Bonaventure  University  in
late 2016, beginning his tenure there on June 1, 2017; and

  WHEREAS,  The accomplishments of Dennis R. DePerro during his tenure
as President of St. Bonaventure are numerous and notable; under his able
leadership, the new School of Health Professions was created as a result
of gifts received through the "A Bolder Bonaventure"  capital  campaign;
new   enrollment   and  marketing  strategies  led  to  online  graduate
enrollment growth, as  well  as  the  three  largest  incoming  freshman
classes in the last 11 years; and

  WHEREAS, Furthermore, his presidential commissions examined critical
issues  on  campus and led to the hiring of a vice president for mission
integration in  2019,  and  in  2020,  the  Presidential  Commission  on
Diversity,  Equity  and  Inclusion  was  reinstituted to improve efforts
across campus; and

  WHEREAS, In further service to higher education, this impressive man
served on numerous  advisory  boards  and  associations,  including  the
Council  of  Independent  Colleges  and Universities, the College Board,
National  Catholic  College  Admission  Association,  New   York   State
Association  of College Admission Counseling, and President's Council of
the Atlantic 10 Athletic Conference; and

  WHEREAS, Dennis R. DePerro's journey  to  become  President  of  St.
Bonaventure  is  an  extraordinary story of a respectful individual from
humble beginnings; as  a  young  man,  he  dreamt  of  studying  at  the
university   but   chose   another   school   because   of   scholarship
opportunities;  he  remained  faithful  to  his  roots  throughout   his
illustrious  career  and  made his dreams come true, always dedicated to
family, faith and making the world a better place; and

  WHEREAS, A man of many interests, Dennis  R.  DePerro  embraced  his
mother's   love   of   cooking  and  shared  his  culinary  skills  when
entertaining friends and family; he was a gifted  pianist  and  organist
who  played  at churches throughout Buffalo; he loved spending time with
his family, especially boating and  travelling  whenever  possible,  and
would   make   every  effort  to  arrange  one-day  getaways,  often  in
conjunction with his duties for the university; and

  WHEREAS, At St. Bonaventure, Dennis R. DePerro led with a big  heart
and  soft  touch,  but  also a firm grasp and clear vision of what every
division at the university was and should be doing; and

  WHEREAS, Dennis R. DePerro is survived by his beloved wife,  Sherry;
two sons, Andrew and Matthew; two brothers, Peter and Richard; a sister,
Rose;  and  several  nieces and nephews; as well as numerous friends and
colleagues who will long cherish his memory; and

  WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a  sense  of
compassion,  Dennis  R.  DePerro  leaves behind a legacy which will long
endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all
he served and befriended; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
mourn  the  death  of  Dr. Dennis R. DePerro, and to express its deepest
condolences to his family; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Dr. Dennis R. DePerro.