Assembly Resolution No. 155

BY: M. of A. Rosenthal L

        MEMORIALIZING Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim
        March  2019,  as Problem Gambling Awareness Month in
        the State of New York

  WHEREAS, Individuals across the country and in this State enjoy  the
recreational aspects of legalized gambling; and

  WHEREAS, The New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Services  reports  that  nearly  one  million  New Yorkers are currently
struggling with compulsive gambling issues; and

  WHEREAS, The proliferation of gambling opportunities to New  Yorkers
continues to increase; and

  WHEREAS, Problem gambling should be considered a public health issue
affecting  individuals  of all ages, races and ethnic backgrounds in all
communities and having a significant societal and economic cost; and

  WHEREAS, Problem gambling is treatable, and treatment  is  effective
in minimizing the harm to both individuals and society as a whole; and

  WHEREAS,  Numerous individuals, professionals and organizations have
dedicated their efforts to public awareness of problem gambling and  the
effectiveness of treatment; and

  WHEREAS,   The  2019  Theme  of  the  National  Council  on  Program
Gambling's Awareness Month  is  "Awareness  +  Action",  which  aims  to
increase  public  awareness  of problem gambling and the availability of
prevention, treatment and recovery services and to encourage  healthcare
providers to screen clients for problem gambling; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim March 2019, as  Problem
Gambling Awareness Month in the State of New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause further to urge the New
York State Council on Problem Gambling to continue its outreach  efforts
and  advocate  that  resources  be  available  for  the  prevention  and
treatment of problem gambling in this State; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative  Body  pause  further  to  urge  all
residents  of  this  great  Empire  State  to  learn  more about problem
gambling and the  programs  available  to  help  individuals  and  their
families  who  have  been  adversely  affected  by this issue; and be it

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to  The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of
New York.