Assembly Resolution No. 407

BY: M. of A. Santabarbara

        MOURNING the tragic and untimely death of New York
        State  Sergeant Jeremy J. VanNostrand, committed law
        enforcement officer, family man and  devoted  member
        of his community

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of this Legislative Body to convey its
grateful appreciation and heartfelt regret in recognition of the loss of
a courageous and hardworking police officer who dedicated his purposeful
life and career in faithful service to both his family and the residents
of New York State; and

  WHEREAS, It is with profound  sadness  that  this  Legislative  Body
records  the  passing  of New York State Sergeant Jeremy J. VanNostrand,
who made the ultimate sacrifice on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, while  on
his way to work; and

  WHEREAS,  A  six-year veteran of the New York State Police, Sergeant
Jeremy J. VanNostrand served with dedication,  loyalty  and  compassion,
and devoted his purposeful life and career to serve and protect; and

  WHEREAS,  Sergeant  Jeremy J. VanNostrand, a 36 year-old resident of
Schenectady County, exemplified what it truly means to give  of  himself
in  providing vital police services in keeping with the noble mission of
the New York State Police; and

  WHEREAS, Jeremy J. VanNostrand was born on March 1, 1982, to  Andrew
and Julia VanNostrand; and

  WHEREAS,  In  2000,  Jeremy  J.  VanNostrand graduated from Mayfield
Central School; he then went on to  attend  SUNY  Albany,  FMCC,  Empire
State  College  and  the  College  of  St.  Rose, obtaining two Master's
degrees; and

  WHEREAS, Jeremy J. VanNostrand began his career in public service to
the State of New York in  2004,  when  he  was  first  employed  by  the
Department of Corrections; in 2013, he graduated from the New York State
Police  Academy  and,  since  then, was employed with the New York State
Police at Troop G; and

  WHEREAS, Sergeant Jeremy J. VanNostrand is survived by his wife  and
high  school sweetheart, Angela deAraujo VanNostrand; their six year-old
daughter, Merrick;  his  mother,  Julia  Brockhum;  his  father,  Andrew
VanNostrand;   two   brothers,   Wayne   VanNostrand   and   Christopher
VanNostrand; one half-brother, Richard VanNostrand; and  several  aunts,
uncles and cousins; and

  WHEREAS,  Jeremy  J.  VanNostrand will be remembered for his love of
his family, friends, career, and reading;  when  he  was  off  duty,  he
enjoyed  spending  time  with  his  daughter,  geocaching,  taking hikes
together and decorating for Halloween, as  well  as  the  annual  family
vacation to Disney World; and

  WHEREAS,  Armed  with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Jeremy J. VanNostrand leaves behind a legacy which will long
endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all
he served and befriended; he will be deeply missed and truly merits  the
grateful tribute of this Legislative Body; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
mourn the tragic and untimely death of New York State Sergeant Jeremy J.
VanNostrand, committed law enforcement officer, family man  and  devoted
member of his community; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted  to  the  family  of  New  York  State  Sergeant  Jeremy  J.