Senate Resolution No. 2541

BY: Senator AKSHAR

        COMMENDING  Past Chief Richard Trebilcock upon the
        occasion of his designation for special  recognition
        after more than 70 years of dedicated service to the
        Chenango Fire Company

  WHEREAS,  Citizens  across  our State and Nation are inspired by and
indebted to our noble volunteer firefighters  who  exhibit  courage  and
bravery every day in the course of their duties; and

  WHEREAS,   Volunteer  firefighters  exemplify  the  power  of  human
compassion and the strength of the American spirit  through  actions  of
the   most   heroic  magnitude;  their  sacrifices  and  their  selfless
dedication merit tribute and recognition by all citizens of  this  great
country; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  proud  to  commend Past Chief
Richard Trebilcock upon the occasion  of  his  designation  for  special
recognition  after  more  than  70  years  of  dedicated  service to the
Chenango Fire Company; 68 of which he served as an  active  firefighter;

  WHEREAS,  On  January  15,  1951,  at  the  young age of 18, Richard
Trebilcock joined the Hinman's Corners Fire Company, which  was  renamed
the Chenango Fire Company Inc. in 1985; today, he is the longest tenured
member in company history; and

  WHEREAS,   For   over   seven   decades,   Richard   Trebilcock  has
enthusiastically responded to fires, accidents, storm damage,  ambulance
calls and other emergencies within his community; and

  WHEREAS,  Richard  Trebilcock rarely slows down, answering 141 calls
in 2015; furthermore, he has a true passion for driving fire trucks  and
leading the Fire Police; and

  WHEREAS,  Throughout his 70 years of service, Richard Trebilcock has
held  several  positions  within  the  Department,  including  Chief  of
Department,  President  and  as  a  member of the Board of Directors; he
served in various officer roles for over 56 years; and

  WHEREAS, Richard Trebilcock has also received  many  service  awards
and accolades throughout his years of skillful leadership, including the
Firefighter of the Year Award; and

  WHEREAS,  In addition to his extraordinary service as a firefighter,
Richard Trebilcock spent  many  years  volunteering  with  the  Chenango
Ambulance service; and

  WHEREAS,  Volunteer  firefighters  and  fire  departments  not  only
provide the critical service of fire protection but also engage in other
activities of great benefit  and  importance  to  the  communities  they
serve; and

  WHEREAS,  It  takes  a  special  dedication, a strong desire to help
others and a tireless sense of community to forsake precious  time  with
family  and friends to respond to the signal that a neighbor is in need;
Richard Trebilcock is one  such  firefighter;  throughout  70  years  of
devoted  service,  this volunteer heroically performed, above and beyond
the call of duty, those responsibilities which define the task  of  fire
protection; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Past  Chief  Richard  Trebilcock  for  more  than  70  years  of
distinguished service to the Chenango Fire Company; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Past Chief Richard Trebilcock.