Assembly Resolution No. 973

BY: M. of A. Manktelow

        COMMEMORATING   the   60th   Anniversary   of  the
        Williamson-Pultneyville   Historical   Society    on
        February 15, 2024

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize that
the  quality  and  character  of life in the communities across New York
State are reflective of the concerned and  dedicated  efforts  of  those
organizations and individuals who would devote themselves to the welfare
of the community and its citizenry; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commemorate   the   60th   Anniversary  of  the  Williamson-Pultneyville
Historical Society on Thursday, February 15, 2024; and

  WHEREAS, Founded with a mission to  preserve  the  valuable  lessons
learned   and   stories   of   yesteryear,  the  Williamson-Pultneyville
Historical Society was established in 1964; the Society aims to carry on
the ideals of its five founders and to keep history alive in the  quaint
lakeside hamlet of Pultneyville, which dates to 1806; and

  WHEREAS,  Inhabiting  The  Society House, Centennial Park, and Gates
Hall, the Historical Society's Gates Hall was built in 1825  and  is  on
the State and National Registers of Historic Places; and

  WHEREAS,  Starting  from  humble  beginnings,  a  small  group  came
together to discuss the founding of a historical  society  for  the  two
towns  of  Williamson  and  Pultneyville  at the home of Florence Forbes
Cornwall; and

  WHEREAS, The first meeting called to organize a  historical  society
was  held  on February 15, 1964; the five founders were present with the
support of a group of interested people in the population; and

  WHEREAS, The five founders of the Williamson-Pultneyville Historical
Society are vital to the  legacy  of  its  beginnings:  Florence  Forbes
Cornwall  had a deep love of local history, recognizing the significance
of the area's heritage; Alice Gallup was interested in history  and  was
community-minded,  serving  as president of the Society for three terms,
and also as treasurer and newsletter editor; Edward B. Leahy Jr. was the
first president of the newly formed Society in 1964 and an active member
for the remainder of his life; Chester A. Peters was a lifelong resident
of Williamson who developed a love of history and served  as  the  first
Town  of  Williamson historian for 50 years. Relating to the Society, he
was president four times and also  served  in  other  offices;  John  C.
Westerberg,   who  was  the  first  founder  to  become  a  resident  of
Pultneyville in 1958, immediately became interested  in  historic  Gates
Hall,  delving  into  its  storied  past and served as an inspiration to
start a historical society; and

  WHEREAS,   Over   its    distinguished    60-year    history,    the
Williamson-Pultneyville  Historical  Society has demonstrated continuous
service to the residents and communities which it serves; and

  WHEREAS,  The  success  of  the  Williamson-Pultneyville  Historical
Society is in  direct  correlation  to  the  efforts  of  its  dedicated
President,  Nanette  Peters  Hance, board members, staff and volunteers,
whose  involvement  is,  and  always  has  been,  characterized  by   an
impressive  commitment,  an  unbridled enthusiasm, and an uncompromising
standard of excellence in all endeavors on behalf  of  the  organization
and the community it serves; and

  WHEREAS,  This  auspicious occasion presents an opportunity for this
Legislative   Body   to   recognize   and    pay    tribute    to    the
Williamson-Pultneyville Historical Society; and

  WHEREAS,   Steeped   in  a  proud  and  distinguished  history,  the
Williamson-Pultneyville Historical Society may take just  pride  in  its
purposeful  growth,  as  it  looks  forward  to  continuing to serve the
educational, cultural and intellectual  needs  of  the  community;  now,
therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate  the  60th  Anniversary   of   the   Williamson-Pultneyville
Historical Society on February 15, 2024; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the Williamson-Pultneyville Historical Society.