S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                     May 19, 2011
       Introduced  by  Sen. RITCHIE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Government
       AN ACT to authorize the Sandy Creek Central School District to  alienate
         and convey parkland to the Community Parks Association
    1    Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the  contrary
    2  the  Sandy Creek Central School District, is hereby authorized to alien-
    3  ate, transfer and convey the parklands described in section two of  this
    4  act  to  the Community Parks Association. Should such land ever cease to
    5  be used for recreational purposes, title to the land so  conveyed  shall
    6  revert to the county of Oswego.
    7    S 2. The lands to be discontinued as parklands and alienated, sold and
    8  conveyed are described as follows:
    9    ALL  THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situated in the town of Sandy Creek,
   10  county of Oswego, being a part of lot number 12 of the tenth township of
   11  constable's purchase and bounded and described as follows: Beginning  at
   12  an iron stake at the intersection of the south line of lot number 12 and
   13  the  center  line of highway leading from Sandy Creek to Watertown, said
   14  point being also the beginning of a  highway  leading  westerly;  thence
   15  along  the  center  line  of the Sandy Creek-Watertown highway North 25
   16  East 555 feet to an iron stake; thence North 82  33' West  2141.63  feet
   17  to an iron stake; thence South 7  27' West 529.16 feet parallel with the
   18  West  line  of  lot number 12 to an iron stake in the center line of the
   19  highway leading westerly from  the  Sandy  Creek-Watertown  highway,  it
   20  being also the South line of lot number 12; thence along the center line
   21  of  said highway and the South line of lot number 12, South 82  33' East
   22  1974.29 feet to the place of beginning, containing twenty-five acres  of
   23  land, more or less.
   24    S 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.