Offered January 11, 2023
Prefiled January 6, 2023
A BILL to direct the Board of Housing and Community Development to temporarily suspend certain qualification requirements for technical assistants in the Uniform Statewide Building Code; emergency.
Patron-- Tata
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. §1. That the Board of Housing and Community Development (the Board) shall temporarily suspend until the earlier of the next updated publication of the Virginia Construction Code (VCC) or July 1, 2024, the requirement in subsection F of 13VAC5-63-50 of the Uniform Statewide Building Code which requires technical assistants to have at least three years of experience prior to issuing permits. Any such technical assistant without at least three years of experience who issues any permit prior to July 1, 2024, shall be (i) supervised directly by a VCC employee with the experience required by subsection F of 13VAC5-63-50 and (ii) subject to other oversight restrictions deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board to ensure the integrity of the permit-issuing system throughout the Commonwealth.

2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.