Commending Jonathan Rigolo.
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, March 8, 2024

WHEREAS, Jonathan Rigolo, an esteemed firefighter, has shown exceptional dedication, exemplary leadership, and an unparalleled commitment to public safety over his 40 years of service with the Virginia Beach Fire Department; and

WHEREAS, throughout his tenure with the Virginia Beach Fire Department (VBFD), Jonathan Rigolo has upheld the highest standards of professionalism, courage, and expertise, while making significant contributions to the department's mission; and

WHEREAS, as a captain and member of Rescue Company 2, Jonathan Rigolo has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership and technical rescue skills, ensuring the successful execution of complex and challenging rescue operations; and

WHEREAS, Jonathan Rigolo has served around the world as a task force leader and Incident Support Team Division Group supervisor in support of the Urban Search and Rescue program of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); and

WHEREAS, through his tireless efforts to train and educate firefighters both at the VBFD and with FEMA and other government and private organizations, Jonathan Rigolo has empowered countless firefighters and rescue personnel with the knowledge and skills they need to save lives and mitigate disasters effectively; and

WHEREAS, Jonathan Rigolo's passion for excellence and for advancing the field of emergency response has helped to make Virginia Beach and the world over safer places to live, work, and raise a family; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, That Jonathan Rigolo hereby be commended for his legacy of service as a member of the Virginia Beach Fire Department; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Jonathan Rigolo as an expression of the House of Delegates' admiration and appreciation for his contributions to Virginia Beach and the Commonwealth.