VA Legislation | 2012 | Regular Session | House

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HB9PassVoter identification requirements; provisional ballots. Eliminates the provision that allows a voter to sign a sworn statement that he is the named registered voter he claims to be in lieu of showing identification. The bill allows the voter without ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0838)
HB968PassManufacturing, etc., Schedule I and II drugs. Adds a mandatory minimum term of confinement of three years for a second or subsequent conviction of manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to distribute a Schedule I or I...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0844)
HB137PassWorkers' compensation; injuries presumed to be in course of employment. Revises the provision enacted in 2011 that created a presumption, in the absence of a preponderance of evidence to the contrary, that an injury is work related if an employee is ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0841)
HB904PassCharter; Town of Middleburg. Empowers the town council to designate architectural control districts, specifying the issues of importance that the council must address through the design standards it adopts for each district. The amendments would requ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0843)
HB1183PassVirginia Port Authority. Amends several provisions relating to the Virginia Port Authority and the conduct of its business. The bill (i) extends until 2017 the international trade facility tax credit, the barge and rail usage tax credit, and the Virg...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0846)
HB1181PassPublic schools; reading intervention. Requires local school divisions to provide reading intervention services to students in grade three who demonstrate deficiencies based on their individual performance on the Standards of Learning reading test or ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0845)
HB1230PassPrivatization of the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy. Requires the Director of the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy and the Board for Protection and Advocacy to establish a nonprofit organization to provide advocacy, legal, and...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0847)
HB35PassCollection of state taxes; period of limitation. Reduces the period of limitation for the collection of state taxes from 10 years to seven years. The bill also provides that if no contact has been made with a delinquent taxpayer for a period of six y...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0840)
HB321PassTax credits; assistance to low-income families, scholarships for K through 12 students attending private schools. Establishes a credit beginning in taxable year 2013 for individuals, business entities, and corporations making monetary donations to no...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0842)
HJR85PassStudy; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission; multipliers for current economic development programs; report. Directs a joint committee of the House Committee on Finance and the Senate Committee on Finance to study and determine the multiplier...
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate reprinted (HJ85ER)
HB185PassManner of enforcement of state criminal offenses. Provides that when a law-enforcement officer of the Department of State Police or any other division of the state government makes an arrest or issues a summons for a violation of a provision of the C...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0749)
HB508PassSynthetic cannabinoids; bath salts; penalties. Amends provisions added to the Code last year regarding the criminalization of synthetic cannabinoids and chemicals known as "bath salts" to add newly identified chemical combinations. The bill adds a mo...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0762)
HR5PassGeneral Assembly. Invites the Governor of Virginia and other distinguished guests to the Hall of the House of Delegates.
House: Bill text as passed House (HR5ER)
HB491PassReceivership of derelict and blighted buildings. Authorizes a locality to serve as a receiver, appointed by the circuit court, to repair blighted and derelict buildings. Buildings must previously have been determined to be blighted under current spot...
Governor: Approved by Governor-Chapter 761 (effective 7/1/12)
HB319PassConduct of elections; observers. Requires observers to respect the area around voters and secrecy of the ballot.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0754)
HB176PassNutrient Trading Act; penalty. Directs the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board to adopt regulations governing the certification of certain nutrient credits. Referring to Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), the legislation sets ou...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0748)
HJR103PassNotifying the Governor of Organization.
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ103ER)
HR2PassGeneral Assembly; House of Delegates. Establishes the Rules of the House of Delegates for the 2012-2013 Sessions of the General Assembly.
House: Bill text as passed House (HR2ER)
HB325PassStudents with autism spectrum disorders; training required of personnel. Requires each school board, by September 1, 2014, to ensure that aides assigned to work with a teacher who has primary oversight of students with autism spectrum disorders rece...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0755)
HR3PassSalaries, contingent and incidental expenses.
House: Bill text as passed House (HR3ER)
HB1199PassAdministrative Process Act; right to counsel in rule-making proceedings. Provides that in formulating any regulation or in evidentiary hearings on regulations, an interested party shall be entitled to be accompanied by and represented by counsel or o...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0795)
HB1295PassElimination of certain state mandates on local entities. Eliminates several statewide mandates on local government and regional government entities.The bill does the following: (i) removes the requirement that surplus property be offered to political...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0805)
HB156PassBoard of Housing and Community Development; terms of certain members. Allows the Director of Regulatory Compliance of the Virginia Building Officials Association to serve for more than one four-year term.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0747)
HB744PassInterstate Compact on the Placement of Children. Provides that in situations where a custodial parent identifies an urgent need for assistance or relief the parent may, in cooperation with the receiving children's facility, place a child prior to fin...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0773)
HJR272PassElection of a Supreme Court of Virginia Justice, Circuit Court Judges, General District Court Judges, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Judges, a member of the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission, and a member of the State Corporation...
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ272ER)
HB1167PassHigh Performance Buildings Act. Requires executive branch agencies and institutions entering the design phase for the construction of a new building greater than 5,000 gross square feet in size, or renovating such a building where the cost of renovat...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0793)
HB771PassLaw-enforcement officers; campus police officers. Provides that campus police officers, as appointed by public and private institutions of higher education, are included within the definition of law-enforcement officer. The bill exempts campus police...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0776)
HB348PassAsset forfeitures. Consolidates certain forfeiture provisions found in two chapters in Title 19.2 and found in Title 4.1 and eliminates redundancies. The bill also provides that, unless otherwise provided by law, forfeitures are to be governed by Cha...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0756)
HB1253PassCash proffers; profferor shall not waive rights against locality. Prohibits any locality from accepting certain proffers purporting to contain a waiver of legal rights against the locality. The bill deems any such waiver in an enacted proffer void an...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0798)
HB945PassPublic Procurement; performance and payment bonds on transportation-related projects. Raises from $250,000 to $350,000 the contract amount for which performance and payment bonds are required on transportation-related projects partially or wholly fun...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0783)
HB1210PassSlowly available nitrogen. Requires that beginning July 1, 2014, lawn maintenance fertilizer list on its directions for use its nitrogen application rates. If such fertilizer does not list on its directions for use nitrogen application rates that are...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0796)
HB886VetoChronic school absenteeism and truancy. Requires the Board of Education to promulgate regulations by July 1, 2013, to address truancy. In promulgating these regulations, the Board shall address the following: (i) provisions for early intervention at ...
House: House sustained Governor's veto
HB932PassNutrient management. Provides that the Department of Conservation and Recreation operate a voluntary nutrient management program to assist owners and operators of agricultural land and turf to effectively manage and apply nutrients to their land. In...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0781)
HB135PassComprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families; State Executive Council; membership. Adds two local government representatives, chosen from the members of a county board of supervisors or a city council and a county administrator or city mana...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0746)
HB1284PassClerks of court; certain duties of the circuit court clerk. Clarifies when the clerk of the court may destroy case file papers, and also clarifies that a person seeking authorization to perform marriages must file a petition with the clerk and pay an...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0802)
HB1184PassPublic schools; dual enrollment for high school students. Requires local school boards and community colleges to develop agreements allowing high school students to complete an associate's degree or a one-year Uniform Certificate of General Studies f...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0794)
HB538PassHunter education program. Requires the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries to establish at least one full-time hunter education coordinator position in each of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries' administrative regions.
Governor: Approved by Governor-Chapter 763 (effective 7/1/12)
HB1219PassCommon Interest Community Board; Virginia Condominium Act; Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act; common interest communities. Authorizes the Common Interest Community Board to terminate inactive condominium or time-share registrations. In addition, th...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0797)
HB120PassTappahannock-Essex County Airport Authority. Removes Tappahannock's name from the name of the airport authority and does away with the obligations of the Town of Tappahannock to fund the authority and to appoint certain members to it. The bill reduce...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0745)
HB375PassControl of firearms by localities; workplace rules. Provides that no locality shall adopt any workplace rule, other than for the purposes of a community services board or behavioral health authority, that prevents an employee of that locality from s...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0757)
HB718PassJuveniles; trial as adults. Allows attorneys for the Commonwealth the discretion to have juveniles charged with repeat violations of certain drug offenses transferred to the circuit court for trial as an adult.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0772)
HJR6PassGeneral Assembly; 2013 Session prefiling schedule. Establishes a schedule for the prefiling period for the 2013 Regular Session of the General Assembly.
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ6ER)
HB561PassPittsylvania County; solid waste disposal fee. Adds Pittsylvania County to the list of counties authorized to levy a fee for the disposal of solid waste. After July 1, 2012, such fee may only be levied after a public hearing.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0765)
HJR5PassGeneral Assembly; 2012 Session schedule. Establishes the schedule for the conduct of business coming before the 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly of Virginia.
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ5ER)
HB813PassCommercial space flight; funding and oversight. Reconstitutes the Board of the Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority by reducing the number of Board members from 13 to nine and providing for all current appointments to the Board to expire on Jul...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0779)
HB417PassElections; polling places; prohibited campaign area. Provides that the requirement to provide an area of 40 feet from the entrance to a polling place applies to the entrance to a polling place contained within a structure. Campaign activities may be ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0759)
HB567PassWater and sewer services; deposit, lien. Authorizes (i) an owner of property who is the occupant or where a single meter serves multiple units or (ii) a lessee or tenant, provided he has written authorization from the owner, to establish water and se...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0766)
HB1271PassSexually violent predators; civil commitment. Provides for determination by the Director of the Department of Corrections for referral of certain prisoners for assessment as sexually violent predators if they appear to meet the definition of sexually...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0800)
HB1294PassProhibition of certain local fees. Provides that localities shall not charge any fee to any church, synagogue, or other place of worship unless authorized by general law or special act of the General Assembly.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0804)
HB1160PassUnlawful detention of United States citizens. Provides that no agency of the Commonwealth, political subdivision of the Commonwealth, employee of either acting in his official capacity, or member of the Virginia National Guard or Virginia Defense For...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0792)
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